Jedi Outcast includes many weapons that you may find throughout
the levels. You start the game with two weapons (Stun Baton and Bryar Blaster Pistol)
and will find more. Weapons can be picked off of the ground by running or walking over them.
Ammo packs for weapons are picked up the same. |
Stun Baton
(Default: 1 Key) |
Used to subdue unruly prisoners, the stun baton is wielded in melee combat where permanently
disabling your opponent is not the required outcome. Oncue Kyle acquires a lightsaber it replaces the stun baton
as the first weapon. |
(Default: 1 Key-Once Acquired, Replaces Stun Baton) |
Selecting the lighstaber switches to the third-person perspective, unless you have changed
the games default options.
Primary Attack: Different slashing and swinging attacks depend on player movement.
See lightsaber for more information.
The lightsaber attack is also influenced by your current Lighsaber Combat Style. See
lightsaber for more information.
Alternate Attack: If Force energy is available, the player can perform a lightsaber
throw. The lightsaber will eventually return to the player's hand. Remember that this maneuver
will drain Force power. See Lightsaber Throw under the Force powers section. |
Bryar Blaster Pistol
(Default: 2 Key) |
Kyle's weapon of choice. Slow to fire but incredibly accurate against foes.
Primary Attack: A slow single shot.
Alternate Attack: Hold down the Alternate Attack button to charge the blaster.
Release the button to unleash a more powerful shot. Note that this uses up more ammunition
Ammo Type: Blaster Pack |
E-11 Blaster Rifle
(Default: 3 Key) |
The primary weapon for Imperial forces, this is a sturdy rifle that packs a powerful punch,
although it is not the most accurate of weapons.
Primary Attack: Slow, highly damaging shot
Alternate Attack: Rapid-fire burst shots
Ammo Type: Blaster Pack |
Tenloss Disruptor Rifle
(Default: 4 Key) |
Affecting matter at the molecular level, this rifle rips apart living material
with ease and speed. It is outlawed across the galaxy and used only by some outlaws and
Primary Attack: Single, fast-moving shot with a slow rate of fire
Alternate Attack: Press the Alternate Attack button to activate the scope.
The longer you hold down the button, the further the scope zooms in. Hold down the
Primary Attack button to prepare a shot. The Charge Indicator on the bottom of the scope lets
you know when the weapon is powered to its disintegration level, which is usually lethal
to a target. Release the Primary Attack button to unleash the shot. Press the Alternate attack
button again to turn off the scope.
Ammo Type: Power Cell |
Wookiee Bowcaster
(Default: 5 Key) |
It might look archaic, but this weapon fires powerful bolts of metal enveloped in energy pockets.
A self-cocking attachment allows creatures weaker than Wookiees to fire them.
Primary Attack: One press fires a single accurate shot, Hold down to power up
the weapon to unleash up to five bolts at once.
Primary Attack: Unleash a reflective shot that bounces off surfaces.
Ammo Type: Power Cell |
Imperial Heavy Repeater with Cuncussion Launcher
(Default: 6 Key) |
A deadly and destructive projectile weapon that fires a rapid streem of metal bullets, this gun is capable
of covering an entire area with deadly suppressive fire. It also features a unique Alternate
Attack mode.
Primary Attack: Hold down the trigger to fire a rapid succession of bolts
Alternate Attack: This weapon launches an energy-based explosive from an under-mounted barrel.
Ammo Type: Metallic Bolts |
Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse 2 (Demp 2) Gun
(Default: 7 Key) |
This gun fires high-powered ion bursts that wipe out electrical systems. It
is very effective against droids and electrical devices, although the latest version
can also cause damage to living tissue.
Primary Attack: A single shot that stuns humans and damages droids
Alternate Attack: This charged energy attack creates an expanding shell of electromagnetic
energy on impact that damages humanoids, droids and turrets
Ammo Type: Power Cell |
Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Weapon
(Default: 8 Key) |
Fire shards of metal in a shotgunlike spread, this weapon is the favorite of the Corporate
Sector Authority's police squads. It is capable of hitting multiple targets in close proximity.
Make sure that the shards don't bounce off surfaces and hit you.
Primary Attack: Fire a spread of shots
Alternate Attack: Launch mines that bounce off surfaces. It will explode after a certain
duration of time
Ammo type: Metallic Bolts |
Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System
(Default: 9 Key) |
A dangerous weapon, this missile launcher fires Arakyd 3T3 missiles. The player can take damage
from this weapon.
Primary Attack: Fires single missiles that streak straight ahead and detonate.
Alternate Attack: Target-seeking missile. Press and hold down this button when an enemy is in your
targeting reticle. After a short period, the missile system will lock onto your target, indicated by a full red
circle. Release to fire the missile
Ammo Type: Rockets |
Throwable Weapons |
Use the 0 key to cycle through the throwable weapons: thermal detonator, trip mine, and detonation pack. |
Thermal Detonator
(Default: 0 Key) |
Famous throughout the galaxy, a thermal detonator realeases a barrage of energy
and heat that destroys everything around it. Hold down the Attack key in either mode
to throw the detonator further.
Primary Attack: Throws the time-delayed grenade over a short distance.
It bounces and then explodes after four seconds.
Alternate Attack: This throws the grenade, which explodes on impact. |
Trip Mines
(Default: 0 Key) |
Best placed on walls, these trip mines come in triangular shaped explosive casings.
A laser beam is emitted from the casing and extends to the nearest parallel surface.
If the beam is broken or the explosive casing fired upon, the mine detonates and damages anything in close
Primary Attack: Place the mine and activate the laser beam
Alternate Attack: Fires a proximity device that auto-detonates when
an enemy gets close to it. |
Detonation Packs
(Default: 0 Key) |
A small explosive pack witha remote activator. You can place multiple
det packs and then explode them from a distance. Typically used to ambush enemies or blow open
doors that are otherwise sealed.
Primary Attack: Look at surface where you want to place the det pack.
If it can't be attached there, the det pack drops to the ground.
Alternate Attack: Detonate all dropped packs with remote trigger |
Non-Portable Weapons
(Default: E or CTRL Keys)
During the game you may be able to use some weapons that are part of the game environment.
In order to attempt to use these weapons, approach them and press the Use key (E or CTRL).
You will want to make sure the wapons are powered on before using them. The Jump key (default: SPACEBAR)
exits the weapon. One example is a mountable turbo laser like the one you use in your first mission:) |