Jedi Outcast seems to be a game that was well thought out in the multiplayer area, because it seems to have something for everybody! There are many features
to multiplayer gameplay, but the first thing we will show you is the types of games, and how to score in each!
Free For All (FFA): This game basically everybody for themselves. You can duel others in this type of game also (default k key).
Killing somebody: +1 point
Killing yourself: -1 point
Whichever person has the largest score at the end of the game (kill limit or time limit) wins that round.
Holocron Free For All (HFFA): This game is similar to the Free for All but there is one main difference, you don't get any force powers when you start.
As you go through the game you will find "boxes" that have a symbol for a force power on them, these "boxes" are called holocrons, and as you grab them you get force powers, but
you can only hold 3 at a time, so therefore you can only have 3 force powers at a time unless otherwise specified by the server. If somebody dies their holocrons
stay by the body for 30 seconds for others to grab, and then are returned to their original place.
Killing somebody: +1 point
Killing yourself: -1 point
Whoever has the largest score at the end of the game wins (kill limit or time limit).
Jedi Master: A lightsaber is placed at a single starting point for somebody to retrieve. You start out with default weapons, but no lightsaber (stun baton instead).
Whoever finds and picks up the lightsaber becomes the Jedi Master, this gives them all force powers at rank three, and of course a lightsaber. Other players try to kill the Jedi Master
but not kill anybody else, otherwise they'll just be helping out the Jedi Master. When the Master dies the lightsaber is thrown in the direction of the person that killed him, whoever grabs the
lightsaber then becomes the new Jedi Master with all force powers, etc. The former Jedi Master respawns without force powers and just with the default weapons.
Eliminating an Enemy While Jedi Master: +1 point
Eliminating Yourself While Jedi Master: -1 point
Eliminating Jedi Master: +1 point
Eliminating any Non-Jedi While Jedi Master is in play: +1 point to the Jedi Master
Eliminating any Non-Jedi While No Jedi Master is in play: 0 points
The player with the highest score at the end of the match wins, either by kill limit or time limit.
Duel (Tournament Mode): In duel there can be many players on a server, but only two of these players are fighting within an arena at any given time.
The rest of the players must wait until it is there turn as observers (spectators). Both competitors start out with full health and equipment and must fight each other.
Force powers are allowed, but may be disabled on some servers. When one player is killed he/she is put at the end of the "line up" of those waiting to play, and the winner
fights the "next in line".
Eliminating an Enemy: +1 point
Eliminating yourself: +1 point to your opponent
At the end of the game the winner is the person with the most points.
Team Free for All (TFFA): This game puts two Jedi Teams against each other. The teams are red and blue, and some servers have it set so red is dark side, and blue is light side, adding
for some variety. Each player starts with the default weapons, and works with its team to get as many points as possible. Players points are added up to get the team's score. After the time
limit one team is declared the winner.
Eliminating an Enemy: +1 point
Eliminating yourself or a team member: -1 point
The team with the most points wins, and the individual scores for each player is also displayed.
Capture the Flag (CTF): In capture the flag two teams (red and blue) are put against each other to capture the others flag. Players must go to enemy territory, capture the flag,
and return with it, but their own flag must also be at home. If a flag bearer is killed the flag is dropped off. If one of the flags team members grabs it
the flag is automatically returned to its home position, but if an enemy grabs it that person can continue the run.
Team Scoring:
Capturing (and returning) the Enemies Flag: +1 point
Individual Scoring:
Picking up the Enemies Flag: +10 points
Capturing the Enemies Flag: +100 points
Your Team Captures Enemies Flag: +25 points
Recovering Your Flag: +10 points; if it allows an immediate capture for your team +10 more points
Eliminating Enemy Flag Bearer: +20 points; if it allows an immediate capture for your team +10 more points
Protecting your flag carrier: +5 points
Protecting your flag base: +10 points
The team with the highest score at the end of the match wins. (They also get bragging rights too:))
Capture the Ysalimari (CTY): Much the same as capture the flag, except the flag is replaced by a red or blue stick with an ysalimari on top.
When a player holds the ysalimari, or flag, they are immune to force powers, and cannot use the force themselves. See Capture the Flag for More Info
Team Scoring:
Capturing the Enemies Flag: +1 point
Individual Scoring (I'm going to call the ysalimari a flag for simplicity):
Picking up the Enemies Flag: +10 points
Capturing the Enemies Flag: +100 points
Your Team Captures Enemies Flag: +25 points
Recovering Your Flag: +10 points; if it allows an immediate capture for your team +10 more points
Eliminating Enemy Flag Bearer: +20 points; if it allows an immediate capture for your team +10 more points
Protecting your flag carrier: +5 points
Protecting your flag base: +10 points
The team with the highest score at the end of the match wins. (They also get bragging rights too:))
Along with all these, multiplayer also has some other special features. If you can't play on the internet, you can at least still get some of the
fun if you play a game just against bots, sure they aren't as challenging as a real player, but they're better than nothing! Here is a list of each bot
and they're unique features:
WARNING: Bots can be VERY annoying because they always have something to say after they kill somebody or are killed themselves.
Bots will use the Force power and weapon that makes the
most sense at a given time. Although favored weapon and
favored Force power is listed, it does not mean it will
always use that weapon or ability. Bots that are aligned
with other bots have the propensity to not attack their
friends and will try to avenge them if they are defeated.
If a bot is listed as having no Force power, that bot will
use the stun baton instead of a lightsaber.
Luke Skywalker
* Very Fast Reaction Time
* Very High Accuracy
* Very High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Heal
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Lando, Jedi and Jedi Trainer
Kyle Katarn
* Fast Reaction Time
* High Accuracy
* Very High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Protect
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Jan, Mon_Mothma, and Morgan
Jedi Trainer
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Luke and Jedi
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Kyle
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Heal
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Luke and Jedi Trainer
Jan Ors
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Heal
* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Aligned with Kyle and Mon_Mothma
Mon Mothma
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb
* Favored Weapon: Disruptor
Aligned with Kyle and Jan
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Protect
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
Bespin Officer
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb
* Favored Weapon: Flechette
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
* Average Reaction Time
* Poor Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Heal
* Favored Weapon: Thermal Detonator
Lando Calrissian
* Very Fast Reaction Time
* Incredible Accuracy
* Very High Agility
* No Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: N / A
* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Aligned with Luke
* Slow Reaction Time
* Abysmal Accuracy
* Poor Agility
* No Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: N / A
* Favored Weapon: Blaster Rifle
* Very Fast Reaction Time
* Very High Accuracy
* Very High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Lightning
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Tavion
* Fast Reaction Time
* High Accuracy
* High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Grip
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Desann
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Drain
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Reborn and Galak
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* High Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Drain
* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber
Aligned with Shadowtrooper and Galak
Galak Fyarr
* Fast Reaction Time
* Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Drain
* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Aligned with Shadowtrooper and Reborn
* Fast Reaction Time
* High Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Grip
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Lightning
* Favored Weapon: Disruptor
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Drain
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Drain
* Favored Weapon: Bowcaster
* Average Reaction Time
* Below Average Accuracy
* Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Grip
* Favored Weapon: Disruptor
Lieutenant Cabbel
* Average Reaction Time
* Poor Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Drain
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
* Average Reaction Time
* Poor Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Grip
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
* Average Reaction Time
* Poor Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Rage
* Favored Weapon: Repeater
* Average Reaction Time
* Poor Accuracy
* Below Average Agility
* Has Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: Force Grip
* Favored Weapon: Flechette
* Slow Reaction Time
* Abysmal Accuracy
* Poor Agility
* No Force Powers
* Favored Force Power: N / A
* Favored Weapon: Blaster Rifle