Basic Lightsaber Attacks
The lightsaber has four basic primary attacks. Each attack can be performed
in two ways, depending on how you press the movement keys while holding down
the Primary Attack button.
Forward Top-Down Hack
Commands: Forward + Primary Attack
OR Backward + Primary Attack
A fast, deadly attack. If it hits, it can inflict a lot of damage.
This attack is best for hitting targets above or below you.
Horizontal Swipe Attack
Commands: Strafe Left + Primary Attack
OR Strafe Right + Primary Attack
A slower attack, this move gives you the best chance of hitting an upright enemy, even
if the enemy is moving horizontally. In this move, you will swing from the right
while sidestepping to the left or vice versa. This is usefull for hitting an enemy
in passing, but not for enemies that are jumping or ducking.
Diagonal Slash Down
Commands: Forward + Strafe Left + Primary Attack
OR Forward + Strafe Right + Primary Attack
This attack is best for enemies that are somewhat close to Kyle who are not moving.
It does not have as much range as the horizontal swipes, but it is faster and has
a good chance of hitting enemies in close quarters.
Diagonal Slash up
Commands: Backward + Strafe Left + Primary Attack
OR Backward + Strafe Right + Primary Attack
This attack is excellent when surprising an enemy, especially one charging at you.
Execute this while running backwards and being chased. It is also good against enemies who are crouching
or jumping.
NOTE: The strenghth, speed and range of these attacks vary depending on which Lightsaber
combat Style you are currently using. |
Lightsaber Combat Styles
As you progress through the game, you will gain three Lightsaber Combat Styles.
You begin with the medium style, and then learn the fast style and finally, the strong style.
When multiple styles are available, cycle through them with the Lightsaber Combat Style key (default L).
Your current style will be indicated by a blue (fast), yellow (medium) or red (strong) icon on
your HUD.
Medium Lightsaber Combat Style
This is the classic lightsaber combat style. The attacks are of a medium speed and range
and do a decent amount of damage. Some of the moves incorporate spins. A Jedi can chain about
three to five attacks in a row. This style is best for fighting multiple enemies.
Fast Lightsaber Combat Style
This style is very fast and efficient, though somewhat limited in range. The short, quick
motions allow for many repeated attacks and quick follow-ups, but the damage inflicted is low
due to the glancing nature of the strikes. These attacks never incorporate fancy moves, such as spins and can be chained indefinitely
This style is best used when fighting a lot of enemies who are not using lightsabers.
Strong Lightsaber Combat Style
This style uses powerful swings to break through defenses. The attacks have great range
and a large windup and follow-through (leaving you open to counter-attacks). If they hit
the enemy is rarely able to block the attack and may be knocked down. If an enemy has a lightsaber, it may be knocked aside.
It is wise to use these attacks when fighting a lone lightsaber-wielding enemy.
Lightsaber Blocks, Deflections and Parries
Lightsaber attacks may not always be successful. Depending on the strength of
the attack and the skill of the defender, attacks may be blocked, deflected
or even parried. You may only defend against an attack when your lightsaber is
either in the ready pose or already in the defensive pose. If an enemy blocks or
deflects your attack you will be able to transition to another attack quickly.
Beware that if your attack is weak and the enemys defensive skill is high, a parry
is possible in this case, the defender can knock your lightsaber away. As a result
the attacker will have to recover for a few seconds before another offensive or defensive
lightsaber move is possible. |
Lightsaber Locking
When two lightsabers lock, the combatants are stuck pussing against one another.
You must push against the other combatant (repeatedly tap your Primary Attack button)
in order to win the lock. The higher the combatants offensive lightsaber skill,
the harder he can push. If you lose the lightsaber lock and are knocked down hold
the Jump key to get up quickly.
NOTE: If you have learned Level 3 of Force Push, you can attempt to break
a lightsaber lock this way. However, there is no guarantee of success and you
may leave yourself open for attack. See the Force Powers Descriptions section
on page 27 for more information on Force Push. |
Special Lightsaber Attacks
Under certain conditions the player can execute the special lightsaber attacks.
Many of these attacks only work with specific Lightsaber Combat Styles.
Stab Backwards
Command: Backward + Attack
Conditions: Player standing or crouching, and enemy located right behind the player.
Lightsaber Combat Style: All
When an enemy is directly behind you, you can execute this attack. It is a difficult
move to time, but it is a fairly fast and devastating stab that can't be blocked. This
attack can only be used when standing or crouching. With the fast lightsaber style, it's a
quick back stabe. In medium and strong saber styles, you spin 180 degrees and slash.
Forward Lunge
Command: Forward + Attack from crouching
Conditions: Must be crouching and in ready position
Lightsaber Combat Style: Fast Only
A relatively weak attack with little chance of hitting, this attack may, nonetheless, take
your opponent by surprise. You will suddenly lunge forward with an upward jabbing motion.
Flip Forward and Attack Downward
Command: Forward + Attack + Jump
Conditions: Enemy must be directly in front of you.
Lightsaber Combat Style: Medium Only
A good evasive maneuver combined with a devastating attack from above.
Execute this move when your enemy is derectly infront of you and you are
using the medium Lightsaber Combat Style. You will flip up over your enemy's
head and attack downward as you pass over him. It's a good move to use if you're
surrounded by enemies and want to get out of the middle.
Forward Jump, Downward Hack
Command: Forward + Attack + Jump from standing position
Conditions: Must be standing and in ready position
Lightsaber Combat Style: Strong Only
A very strong, unblockable attack; almost always a finishing move. It is very slow.
Press the Attack button before you jump forward. This move has only a small chance of hitting.
Lightsaber Frequently Asked Questions
How do you do the move that kills them in one hit....where they jump and then crouch?
How do you switch Lightsaber Attack Styles?
How do i change my lightsaber color?
How do i get a double bladed lightsaber?
How do i turn my lightsaber off, but still keep it as the weapon in use?
How do i do saber throw?
How do i block saber throw?
How do you do the move that kills them in one hit....where they jump and then crouch?
This is a question that is often asked and the answer
is in the manual (page 23) and it is also on our website under
special lightsaber attacks (forward jump, downward hack).
But the explanation is kind of foggy so here it is in a bit easier to understand
language. Move forward, press the attack key, and then jump when the swing is
almost finished, it should then make you jump up and then finish off the move.
This move takes a lot of practice, but when done correctly it can be an excellent move.
How do you switch Lightsaber Attack Styles?
You switch lightsaber attack styles by either using your middle mouse button (multiplayer) or pressing the L key (multiplayer and single player).
How do i change my lightsaber color?
In multiplayer you go "ESC" to bring up the in game menu and then click player.
After the player screen is up click on your lightsaber until you get the color you like.
How do i get a double bladed lightsaber?
It's a cheat that can only be used on cheat enabled multiplayer servers. To get one go
into the console and type in THE_DESTROYER, see cheats for more information.
How do i turn my lightsaber off but still keep it as the weapon in use?
You just hit the key for your lightsaber again (default: 1 key)
How do i do saber throw?
To do a saber throw you just use your alternate attack when your lightsaber is in use, remember,
this uses your force power.
How do i block saber throw?
To block saber throw you either
a) Jump up above the lightsaber, therefore getting out of the way
b) Standing still in the ready position
c) Moving to the side |