Force Powers |
Force Jump
(Hold Down Jump Button) |
Using this power allows you to make a tremendous vertical leap.
Tap the Jump button to do a normal jump, but hold down the Jump button and you will use the
Force to soar to new heights.
Level 1: You can jump twice as high as a regular jump.
Level 2: You can jump approximately four times as high as a regular jump.
Level 3: The highest possible vertical leap, eight times that of a regular jump. |
Force Push
(Default: F1 Key) |
You can shove enemies and world objects away from yourself with this Force power.
Press the F1 key to instanta-neously use this power. If enemies are pushed into
solid surfaces or off ledges, they will take damage. Force Push can also be used to operate
select buttons, grates and sliders that may be out of your reach.
Level 1: Knocks down enemies
Level 2: Pushes target back
Level 3: Pushes multiple targets. You can also try to Force Push out of lightsaber locks
at this level. |
Force Pull
(Default: F2 Key) |
This power lets you pull weapons and specific world objects toward you. Activate by pressing and
holding the Force Pull hot key.
Level 1: Pull certain levers and objects in your targeting reticle.
Also, you can pull one enemy.
Level 2: In addition to Level 1 features, you can now pull of the weapons out of the hands
of an enemy, providing that he is facing you.
Level 3: The strongest pull, now you can pull multiple enemies (and their weapons). |
Force Speed
(Default: F3 Key) |
When activated, this Force power slows the world down around you, to gain a speed advantage over
Level 1: World is slowed to 75 percent normal speed for five seconds.
Level 2: World is slowed to 50 percent normal speed for five seconds.
Level 3: World is slowed to 25 percent normal speed for five seconds.
NOTE: In multiplayer games, the Force Speed effect only speeds up your actions.
It does not slow down the other players in the game. |
Force Heal
(Default: F5 Key) |
This power heals your health by converting the essence of the Force into a maximum of 25 health
Level 1: You must stop and meditate to heal. Healing stops when you move or fire.
Level 2: You can now move but not attack while healing. Healing stops if you are hit or launch
an attack.
Level 3: You can move and attack while healing. The healing process is also quicker. |
Force Grip
(Default: F6 Key) |
When used, this Force power allows you to choke a living being.
Level 1: Use the targeting reticle to select an enemy, then use this Force power to choke
the enemy for a few seconds. The enemy is immobilized but not hurt. You may walk away while the
enemy chokes.
Level 2: Once an enemy is targeted, this level's power will choke the enemy and also raise
him off the ground. Hold down the Force button to keep the enemy in the air and inflict damage.
Looking away causes the enemy to drop to the ground.
Level 3: The strongest grip, you can move and look around while carrying an enemy-the
perfect way to move him over a ledge and drop him to an untimely demise. |
Jedi Mind Trick
(Default: F4 Key) |
To use this Force power, target the character you wish to influence and press the Jedi Mind Trick hot key once.
Once affected, the character in question will be confused and ignore the player if he walks past.
However, aggressive action or loud noises will alert the enemy, thereby spoiling the effect.
Note that the Jedi Mind trick will not work on all enemies. A confirmation sound will be heard
and a visual effect will appear around the enemy if he is successfully tricked.
Level 1: Only one targeted enemy will be tricked for five seconds.
Level 2: Ten seconds of confusion. You cause a distraction that affects all enemies in the area.
Level 3: Create a distraction OR target an enemy to become your ally. Direct your
reticle to whre you want the distraction to occur or to target an enemy. |
Force Lightning
(Default: F7 Key) |
This power hurls a devastating electrical attack against enemies. Once an enemy is targeted, press
and hold the hot key to begin the Force Lightning attack.
Level 1: A quick burst of lightning that emanates from your hand and shoots straight forward.
Level 2: Hold down the Force Power key to shoot a continuous beam of lightning (until Force power is drained)
Level 3: Lightning shoots out in an arc, allowing it to hit multiple targets at once. |
Lightsaber Throw
(Use Alternate Attack Key When Lightsaber Selected) |
The secondary attack for the lightsaber, when activated this Force power lets you throw your
lightsaber forward against enemies. It will eventually boomerang and return to you.
Level 1: Saber flies out straight over a short range
Level 2: Saber flies out over a longer range and spins faster. Aim it by changing the
direction you face.
Level 3: The saber spins faster than other levels and intelligently finds enemies to hit.
NOTE: It is possible for you lightsaber to be knocked out of your control while it's in
flight. In this case it may drop to the ground. If this happens, hit your Primary Attack button
to bring it back. If you do not find your saber after an extended period of time, it will
automatically return to you. |
Lightsaber Defense |
This power controls your speed and effectiveness when blockin incoming shots and lightsaber attacks.
Lightsaber Offense |
This power provides more Lightsaber Combat Styles choices and allows you to push
harder in lightsaber locks. |
Multiplayer Only Force Powers |
Dark Rage
(Default: F12 Key) |
This dark side power sends your character into a timed frenzy of speed, but the character
must recover after the Rage wears off. When Dark Rage is active, you fire and move faster,
and take minimal damage. However, your health will steadily diminish and you cannot pick up any
more. When your health reaches 1 or it wears off, you enter into a recovery state where you fire
and move slower for a short time. |
Force Seeing
(Default: F12 Key) |
This neutral Force power allows the Jedi to see all enemies clearly. By surrounding
other players with an easy-to-see glowing aura, a character using Force Seeing can see other
players through walls, counteract the Jedi Mind Trick, and even dodge sniper shots. |
Force Drain
(Default: F11 Key) |
This dark side Force power allows the Jedi to drain Force power from targeted enemies and use
it to replenish health. Depending on the Force Rank you have assigned to it, Force Drain will
launch a single energy bolt that fires forward; an unaimed, continuous attack; or a sustained
fan attack that can drain from multiple targets. |
Force Protect
(Default: F9 Key) |
When activated, this light side Force power transforms physical damage into Force Damage.
Any physical attack dealt to your character is deducted from the Force Meter rather than from the
Health Meter. The amount of physical damage translated into Force damage will depend
on the Force Rank that you set for this power. |
Force Absorb
(Default: F10 Key) |
When activated, this light side Force power will take damage from any enemy Force ability and turn
that energy into Force power for you. This power does not translate physical attacks into
Force power, but it will absorb attacks originating from an offensive Force power and replenish
your Force Meter. |
Force Team Heal
(Default: SCROLL LOCK Key) |
This team-play Force power is essentialy the same as the standard Force Heal, but you can
restore a certain amount of health to allies within a certain radius (dependent on this power's
Force rank). |
Force Team Energize
(Default: \ Key) |
The other team-play Force power, this power allows the Jedi to restore a certain amount of
Force energy to his/her allies within a certain radius (dependent on this power's Force rank). |